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Иосиф Рабкин – видный учёный, рентгенолог и рентгено-хирург (интервенционный радиолог). Член-корреспондент Российской Академии Медицинских наук. Лауреат Государственной премии СССР. Его научные труды, изобретения, новые медицинские технологии получили мировое признание – он почётный член Британского Королевского колледжа, почётный член Корнельского Медицинского Центра США, Европейского общества интервенционных радиологов. Автор пятнадцати научных книг и более пятисот публикаций. Эмигрировал в Америку в 1995 году и здесь был удостоен звания «Человек года Америки».
   Настоящая книга по замыслу своему шире его профессионально-врачебного творчества. В ней описываются доверительные отношения с людьми, которые сейчас составляют исторический и человеческий антиквариат. Это врачи, лауреаты Нобелевской премии, инженеры, изобретатели, люди искусства. Может быть, книга заинтересует читателя не только потому, что в ней ретроспективный взгляд на век ушедший и критика настоящего. Читатель в ней узнает неизвестное об известном.

Iosif Rabkin
Thinking of the PATIENT


Iosif Rabkin, M.D., Ph.D. is widely known as a researcher, a member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, a USSR State Prize Laureate, and the author of twenty-three books and more than 500 scientific publications.

He is one of the founders of a new direction in medicine: intervention cardiology and radiology. The name Rabkin is associated with the original nitinol stent, which was the first in the world implanted into vessels, biliary tracts, the esophagus, and other hollow organs.

Merits of Professor Rabkin are recognized all over the world. He is an Honorary Fellow of the British Royal College of Radiology, and an Honorary member of Cornell Medical Center (USA). He is a member of other academic societies and associations in many countries of the world. He was named “The Persona of the Year of America, 1997”. This year The International Biographical Center, Cambridge, England with “The Global Year of Excellence - 2006”, medal and diploma, awarded him.

The book “Thinking of the Patient” is devoted to his scientific development. It is written in easy to understand language in which scientific ideas are stated clearly and briefly. To accomplish this, it was necessary to not only know the subject well, understand the theme, but also to posses’ greater clinical experience than most doctors. As it stated, “he knows his subject backwards and forwards”.

The author offers much and his book gives him moral satisfaction. It is as though the author has lived, suffered, and empathized with each of his patients. If the reader is interested in the ideas of the author, he has only to apply it to his own work to get the same satisfaction.


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